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Monday, August 8, 2011

The Directors-General of the national central banks of the quake in the State of rap in the nuclear sector, to the poor handling of disasters

Governors of national central banks and the handling of the poor state of the rap in the nuclear sector, the quake disaster +Breitbart.tvBig Hollywood - Exploring the intersection of politics and Hollywood.Breitbart.comGet the news service Email Allu.s.worldpoliticsbusinesssportsentertainmentsci/techhealthoddvideoimagesfunction fbs_click (u) { (' u, ' sharer ', ' toolbar = 0, status = 0, width = 626, height = 436 '); return false;}var LINGO_EQ_URL = "";AP:   Breaking |  Alerts |  The World |  ABOUT US |  Policies Of |  Business Activities |  Entertainment |  Life |  Science |  Odd |  Sports |  Tech of the Governors of the State of the poor handling of the quake to rap, nuclear disaster, on July 12, 02: "+ 07 AM US/Helsinki
var idcomments_acct = "f31a20c78c62120a6fedd29290aa2238", idcomments_post_id = "d9odu92g0", idcomments_post_url = "";This emailBookmark and SharefriendShare, FacebookTweet , AKITA, Japan, July 12 (AP)-(Kyodo) criticized the Governors from the State for its poor handling of Tuesday on rebuilding of the earthquake of March the tough interested and the tsunami and the prolonged Fukushima nuclear crisis.

Kyoto, Yamada Keiji .gov, who chairs the National Governors Association, told a meeting of the Association of Akita, "in this time, local governments should request that stands in the country, taking into account the lifting up on the ground."

Niigata Hirohiko Izumida said Government .gov is designed as a tax increase would be deflationary "foolhardy", even though the Tottori .gov Shinji Hirai said, "the Government has spent too much time in meetings. We would be voting for us, "as a statement of specific frustration of this meeting.

The Governors also discussed the proposal of the 18 point tsunami, such as the specific regulations, the construction area of pikateiden zones and disaster areas hit was created uudelleenmuodostamisesta.

Fukushima Daiichi power plant, nuclear disaster, the need for the proposal concerns the overhaul reactor safety standards and to adopt measures for the counter in the radioactive contamination of the rumor, and fed to the disruption of local sales.

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