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Friday, August 5, 2011

Japan, the 3 other Nations to abandon the reforms mentioned in the resolution of the filing

Japan, the 3 other Nations to abandon the reform of the law on the accuracy of self +Breitbart.tvBig Hollywood - Exploring the intersection of politics and Hollywood.Breitbart.comGet the news service Email Allu.s.worldpoliticsbusinesssportsentertainmentsci/techhealthoddvideoimagesfunction fbs_click (u) { (' u, ' sharer ', ' toolbar = 0, status = 0, width = 626, height = 436 '); return false;}var LINGO_EQ_URL = "";AP:   Breaking |  Alerts |  The World |  ABOUT US |  Policies Of |  Business Activities |  Entertainment |  Life |  Science |  Odd |  Sports |  Tech Japan, the 3 other Nations to abandon the application of the resolution, the reform of the law on 9 July, + 02: 50 AM US/Helsinki
var idcomments_acct = "f31a20c78c62120a6fedd29290aa2238", idcomments_post_id = "d9obvk880", idcomments_post_url = "";This emailBookmark and SharefriendShare, FacebookTweet NEW YORK, July 9 (AP)-(Kyodo) The Group of four countries--Japan, Germany, India and Brazil--from seeking membership of the Security Council, the law is likely to permanently give up in order to resolve the application to extend its permanent and nonpermanent memberships through September, the G-4 sources, the current session, the diplomatic process.

G-4 has been difficult to secure support for the proposal, the sources of sufficient said. It shall be more than 128, or two-thirds of all members of the General Assembly, the law may provide a resolution.

Foreign Minister-level meeting in New York City in February, the G-4, decided to file a resolution on the reform of the current session, the lowest in the reforms of the sources said.

But since the campaigning against it, countries must secure support from less than 90 countries for the time being.

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