A prostitute in Japan sparks fears

Prostituoidun-resistant Gonorrhea in Japan, which developed into a drug-resistant Gonorrhea in her throat strain has launched a global alert about the spread of the disease untreatable genital. The woman was found to be infected with new strain, HO41, which is almost all antibiotics. The research team that made the discovery, said the stock was "likely to transform the once common and easily treatable infection on account of the global threat to public health". Sex disease research, Quebec, Canada, the International Society is presented in the conclusions.
on 13 July, to try to revive the local beach the famous surfers paradise estate are banding together in the wreckage that washed during training 11. in March, after the tsunami, and clear the debris. Namiita beach is a lot of opportunities for young people attracted the Otsuchicho contributed to the recent issue of new ryhtiä in the city, which was struggling to population ageing and inadequate to undertakings in the fisheries sector. Local surfers at the beach you want to restore the former glory the pulsating city of aid, the impact of their efforts in the reconstruction in the hope of a whole. Strewn along the 800-meter-long beach had been destroyed, small boats, furniture, clothes, and the occasional pillars of household goods. (Yomiuri)

to July 12, the pinku eiga ", i.e., the pink films in the soft core porn genre has dabbled more in mid-1990s, there only about every theme imaginable, including incest, adultery and Erotic torture-to raise the screen. Yet this year's fantasia "underwater love", "the veteran Director, Shinji Imaoka, pink, probably after the Fading genre interweave singing and dancing in the Numerosarjat political musical, a resource manager, becomes the first film. Screening for foreign correspondents last week in the Japanese Press Club, after the Director of the Commerce that this unique approach, as well as other films, what features of the mythical kappa creature, such as the tortoise shell and the cam, the man is likely to lead to slightly easier the challenging development projects and the specific features of filmgoers (Tokyo Reporter)
on 11 July, the rain season seems to be through the quake hit areas of the northeastern region of Tohoku in Japan, with a full summer season than in the earlier entry of normal, the Japanese Meteorological Agency said Monday the Japanese archipelago. At the end of the season in the rain is due 14 days earlier than usual and the fourth record as quickly as possible, and the southern Tohoku, and 17 days earlier than usual, and the third store soon, for the purpose of the Tohoku Northern continues to the Agency to the weather, which started to produce information in 1951. (Kyodo)
on 11 July, the 27-year-old man was sentenced to 28 years in prison Monday in the robbery and rape cases, where eight junior and Kagawa Prefecture senior high school students for the string. Demonstration of the judge-owned trail District Court case, has been found guilty of assaulting Onishi Makoto schoolgirls Marugame, Kagawa October 2009 and August 2010, between their bicycles and stealing them raping. The presiding judge, Katsuyuki Habata said, "the victim suffered a rampage that suddenly their lives" to reject the defence plea, Assistant. (Kyodo)

popular in Japan, in July, the son of the Japanese destroyer Arashi, the band attract more visitors to the pitch Monday in the middle of the tourist numbers to the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Northeastern Japan, exactly four months ago, continuously in the nuclear crisis, the decline in the country., deriving from the Entitled "message to the originating from Japan," featuring five members of the pop idol group, began broadcasting at the same time, the film throughout the world for more than 133 countries and regions, including the use of the Outdoor display is New York's Times Square. The Video material was also broadcast in places such as Seoul and London, and also appears in Japanese airports and embassies worldwide in the coming weeks. (Kyodo)
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