In Japan, in 2010, the harvested rice prices have increased sharply, trading between wholesalers: Fukushima Prefecture on the crisis in the field of nuclear energy is the future of their concern about the stocks of any shortages, according to market watchers.Bind to a data bank for rice co., said in the Prefecture of Akita Akitakomachi rice produced brand market research quoted ¥ 60 per kg, 18,700 last Wednesday 49,6% of its high ¥ 9. March, Carrying 12,500 range from two days before the quake and tsunami crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.Niigata Prefecture in rice limited jumped 40.6%, to ¥ 27,000 for price rises reflect ... The lack of available rice wholesalers under the name area of the Chuetsu Koshihikari brand will increase deliveries to farms, supermarkets and other mass retailers. They fear, the restrictions on the transfer of the rice crops may be set in the Tohoku region and determining if the radioactive material is found to exceed the data bank for rice, the official said.Between the wholesalers '. the breakdown of rice itself only in retail are not likely to grow strongly in mass retailers who acquire rice, at a fixed price purchase long-term contracts with wholesalers: at.But the small retailers begin to complain about the difficulty rice popular brands.Prices may still rise to wholesalers, until this year, the plants were harvested, and the presence of radioactive substances is specified in the trade between market watchers said.
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